For no reason whatsoever, WhatsApp may claim that it provides good security and does not allows you to download Pictures of your WhatsApp Contacts. But the truth is that it automatically downloads the pictures when you view them once, so that it can be launched faster next time. Exploiting this loophole, we can change the profile pictures of your contacts.
Note: This tutorial is prepared for educational purposes and meant to be used as a prank! I'm not responsible for whatever risk you may bring to the contact, or dishonoring his/ her privacy.
The pictures you viewed is saved in "/sdcard/WhatsApp/Profile Pictures" and the image name of picture is the mobile number of your WhatsApp Contact. Heres a screenshot of the location showing the profile pictures, and sample profile pictures of two of my contacts.
Profile pics (PC view) |
Profile pics (Phone view) |
Since we want to replace the original images, we will copy and keep it safe at some other location.
So lets get to work.
Step 1. Choose a picture for your friend and download it. For instance, troll faces here
Troll for Yogesh |
Troll for Aniket |
Step 2. Rename the image (JPG) you have chosen for your friend with your friends mobile number.
For example , i will change it to 91********** of both my friends here (image 1 and 2 below)
Step 3. Edit the image dimensions.
- Right Click the image and “Open With”>Paint
- Press Ctrl + W and check “by Pixels”
- Set the values to 561 Height and 561 Width
- Ctrl + S to Save it.
Step 4. Save the modified image into your device on path “/sdcard/WhatsApp/Profile Pictures”.
Pasting the modified image |
Paste the modified image |
Modified profile images |
Step 5. Turn of Wifi and Deactivate data network for a while.(till you prank your friend).
As his real profile picture will not Download then.
Step 6: Show and Appreciate him for his new profile picture by showing him or by taking screenshot of your device screen.
Original profile pic (Aniket) |
Modified Profile pic (Aniket) |
Original Profile pic (Yogesh) |
Modified profile pic (Yogesh) |