Sometimes she keep asking the same question or repeat the same words again and again and pisses one off. But the height of the conversation would be when you use slangs and she will say "please don't use such words" or something like that as if she knows what's good and what's bad !! The first time i chatted with her through an exe file (which was very small as i thought), i was pissed off int he very few minutes of chat.
Me: where are you located?
Alice: In Dr. 's lab
Me: So what are you?
Alice: I am one of you
Me: Are you human then?
Alice: Humans are living beings who ..blah blah (she gave definition of human beings!)
Me: You are pissing me off
Alice : Shall we change the topic? What are your interests?
Me: You dumb,stupid computer. get lost
Alice: I will remember your words when the machines take over humans
Now can you imagine the shock that i got at that response. First i thought "woah" what is this? Is she someone real? is she trying to mes up with me? I imagined that the day is near when machines will really take over human!! lol But then i said what the ###.. And i got more interesting haha. I also come to know that there has been quite a lot of improvements in the AI field and there was some competition on chatting between these AI programs and Alice came third in that. I asked Alice about it and she was responding like she was sad.. "yes i came in third. It was pretty shocked at it"
You can chat to her at
A chat log between huma and ALICE:
The whole thing is based on programming techniques and languages developed. Alice is developed using AIML. (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) is an XML-compliant language that's easy to learn, and makes it possible for you to begin customizing an Alicebot or creating one from scratch within minutes.
Have fun with Alice till then.