It has been quite some time now since i have had given myself some personal space. I have been seeing some nice dreams and enjoying good memories of life, yet could not get time to write the blog. Every time i thought of writing it down on a piece of paper, less i forget to write later on the blog.. i put it away in an awe thinking..i will remember. However, each morning that seems foggy due to the dreamy and wet eyes, i end up getting myself busy with my own work and forget all about it at the end of the day.
I believe that if i write down my dreams everyday here on the blog, i would be able to support myself without working anywhere! With Google Adsense and all those new breakthrough innovations, i guess i can do it! I could give myself some time myself to do what i like best.. Googling (a term which most people refer to as searching on Google) that comes in mind, trying to unravel all the questions that comes in mind. For example, right at the moment, how Blu ray disk works , how to make bootable discs etc etc. Besides googling, i like Stumbling with the Stumble Upon bar on my Firefox.And sometimes i like to read quality Blogs and try to write up some of my own (sigh!)
But these days, i hardly get time on my own to write up some good stuffs.
Even this post took me 4 days to complete, due to lack of time and personal space. So i am really wondering if my idea would work!!