Step 1: Ensure you have Picassa installed on your PC
Step 2: Right click on the image and click "Upload to Web album" (you may require to Sign in)
Step 3: Once uploaded into Picassa web folder name " Drop in", a new link to the Picassa folder will open in the browser
Step 4: Copy the image using mouse, as in you copy the whole text.
Step 5: Paste the image into the mail where you were composing.
Viola!! Your image is inserted right into the mail
Now that Google labs has enabled a plugin where in you can directly do the same from Gmail
You can do so as below
Step 1: Login to your GMail account.
Step 2: Go to “settings”
Step 3: Go to “labs”
Step 4: Search for “Inserting Images” and enable it.
Step 5: Drag and drop an image into the compose area...
(Uploading of image will take time, according to the image size)