2 Sept 2013

Controlling your FB audiences- how to show posts to selective users only

This is in addition to my post , Facebook tips and tricks published earlier. Today i would like to emphasize on publishing status updates to few or hide from specific users in your friend list.

Recently i have got many requests from Office friends, which i cannot ignore in a long span of time. So i did accept their friend requests, now guess what! When i publish something related to my office or work related, they pull my legs or tease me..no matter what the subject is. So it has become difficult to control what post i can publish and what not to. I have to think twice before i publish something related to work, and mostly its the senior people in work who would mind, comment or have issues in publishing something like that. So what i have come up is to customize thee way you publish a post. All you have to do is customize your privacy settings, so that the final result shows something like this below:

* Names have been struck out so that the actual users do not feel bad. Now to configure something like that, you need to follow the below steps
1) On your Facebook Page, go to Privacy settings.

2) Click on the Edit in “Who can see your future posts?” under "Who can see my Stuff?"
3) Click on the drop-down option and select "Custom". Add the users from whom you want to hide the post from "Don't share this with". Save the settings

4) Now when you want to publish a post, you do have the options of selecting which posts to show and which post to hide from the specific users. Before publishing the share button, select from among the options; Everyone, Friends of Friends, Friends only or Custom (with hide to specific users).


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