13 Nov 2014

Tools to conduct online class - Part two

This is the second part to the post; if you have missed the first part, please read it here.
In continuation to the first part, where we have discovered some interesting tools for voice, video and meeting; lets continue further with other tools.

5. Group Chat: 

Group chat is one of the important tools to have while you are teaching online to get feedbacks from the audience. It is useful when there is only one way Audio/Video interaction(Broadcasting). Its also important to have a group chat facility when students doesn't have a microphone, Its easier for them to ask doubts on chat.

Google Hangout:  Allows  maximum 10 participants.
Zoom.us: Allows  maximum 15 participants.
Skype: Allows  maximum 25 participants.

The below tools can be used for Broadcasting yourself:
Google Group chat: Unlimited number of people can join it
Chatstep , unlimited people
Anymeeting: 200 people max
Liveminutes: 40 people max
Join.me: 250 people max
Vyew: 10 people max

6. Creating Content: 

The most important part in online teaching is the content to be shared or shown to the public. Best way of creating content is to create the Documents in PDF or Presentation format.

How to create PDF: 

Create a Microsoft word document & convert it into PDF
Create a PDF document using Pages in iMac.
Create a presentation using PowerPoint or Keynote & convert it into PDF

For Windows(Office): 

PowerPoint (Presentation Slides)

For Mac(iWork):

Keynote (Presentation Slides)

  • Best way of putting Equations, Formulas, Diagrams, Graphs, Figures in your content is to put (write/draw) them on paper first and then  scan them using scanner or take a pic from camera and import those images in your content document.
  • Best way to edit/update PDF: Edit your presentation or word document & again create a new PDF.
Tools to edit PDF Directly:

7. Document Annotator: 

While teaching online, you will require to point to things, mark or highlight objects etc. Annotating is one of the important feature for online teaching. It makes it very simple to explain things on Documents itself, specially in case of teaching math or physics.

For Presentation: 

PowerPoint allows you to annotate while presenting

For PDF: 

Its bit tricky to annotate in PDF via offline software.
Copy it from this link here & download following software's as well

Some Online Apps have inbuilt Annotator: Recommended
Conceptboard with Google Hangout

8. Sharing Content: 

Sometimes Sharing class content can be a problem specially when the content size is big. 

By Email
By Wetransfer - www.wetransfer.com
By Dropbox - Copy documents in public folder and share the public link with students
By Filesnack - www.filesnack.com

Clearing Doubts: 

How to clear students doubts after class session

Doubts after class can be cleared by
Facebook Group (Best Option)
Gmail or Yahoo Group
By Email

Perfect combination of tools

Keep [Screenleap.com / Join.me] common for all the options.

If you are teaching 9 or less than 9 students at a time:

Google Hangout + PowerPoint + awwapp.com 
Google Hangout + conceptboard.com
Skype + Liveminutes.com / Vyew.com 
Zoom.us + PowerPoint + awwapp.com  (Max 15 people)
Oovoo + PowerPoint + awwapp.com (Max 12 people)

If you are teaching more than 9 students at a time:

Google Hangout on air + Google chat + Conceptboard.com 
Skype + Liveminutes.com / Vyew.com 
Skype + PowerPoint
Liveminutes.com (40 max)
Anymeeting.com + Liveminutes.com / Vyew.com 
Vokle + Liveminutes.com / Vyew.com 
Teamviewer.com(25 max)

System requirements to run the tools

Web Camera:
Now a days almost all laptop have inbuilt camera. Incase you don't have it, you can buy it online on flipkart or on any of your favorite store.• You can buy any good camera from Logitech or Microsoft.

Now a days all laptop have inbuilt speaker & microphone. Incase you don't have it, you can buy it online on flipkart or on any of your favorite store.
You can buy any good Headphones (with microphone) from Panasonic or Philips.

Internet Connection:
Minimum 1 mbps
Should be 2 mbps or more for good experience

Pen Tablets:
- Gives you great cursor control  though Pen.
- Easy to teach Math, Physics or any other subject which involves equations, diagrams, graphs etc
- Easy to annotate documents 
Several Pen Tablets are available in market. It costs anywhere between Rs. 1700 - Rs. 10000
You can order it online, Search for "Pen Tablets" at www.junglee.com.
You can but 2nd hand from OLX or Quikr.
In case you have a good control over mouse then you don't need it.


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