29 Oct 2007
Reset your windows XP password
The Seventh sense - Love
In today's world of cut throat environment, one has to suppress another to survive in this jungle. Amidst these jungle,we have forgotten to live a simple life. Movies like "The Village" would portray the beauty of a simple life without hatred,enmity,killings,stealing etc. In fact the story in Ten Commandments in which a priest goes to a remote village,inhabited by local people who does not have any contact with the outside world to spread religion. He had to try hard to make them understand what religion is all about to the local people there.He made signs of the Almighty that made this world,gave food and animals and everything on this universe. Upon the end of the day he told the local people not to steal as it is a bad thing. The local people did not know what stealing was. So the priest had to teach them how to steal to make them not to steal.The big question here is - who is more civilized? The local people who did not know what stealing was or the priest who taught them to steal inorder to make them not to?
The first and the foremost feeling that a person feels about someone might perhaps be Love. It is that pure felling that has made people forget his personality and made them become one the other person would love.This transformation is critical in one's life and maybe he does not realize it himself in course of time. A simple touch,a simple smile or the slight utter of name on someones lips makes one yonder in dreams.It may be the only sense in humans that make the hormones go haywire,making the person feel nervous and nausea.There are no exact words to describe the love for a person..though with the help of the wisdom of human beings we describe them in a mere few words of language. Though language is not a barrier for love,it has become a spoken language with time and the sense soon forgotten in those cover of words. The true sense and real feeling have been defined in words of some language and left for others to think of it and imagine rather than feel the true sense of the hormonal flow.In fact it must have been very difficult for someone to come up while expressing ones love,and maybe thats why love has no language at all. It can be seen at the slightest action done in one's favour.
Love can be witnessed by at least a drop of fear from the agony of the heart. When the mind is wide open,only then one can give and receive love. It can be pure as ones heart and sweet as ones memory,and sparkling like a dew drop when it becomes intense.It has no language,no barriers,no framework .... nothing. Love comes from nowhere and ends in nowhere.Maybe its the only thing in this universe whose start or end is not known. Maybe hormones are made of love and affection;maybe i am crazy in my own way.But time will tell who is crazy when love befalls them.
"Binary Search Algorithm" in Life
What is a Binary search algorithm?
Binary search algorithm (or binary chop) is a technique for finding a particular value in a sorted list. It makes progressively better guesses, and closes in on the sought value by selecting the median element in a list, comparing its value to the target value, and determining if the selected value is greater than, less than, or equal to the target value. A guess that turns out to be too high becomes the new top of the list, and a guess that is too low becomes the new bottom of the list. Pursuing this strategy iteratively, it narrows the search by a factor of two each time, and finds the target value. A binary search is an example of a dichotomic divide and conquer search algorithm.A typical use of binary search algorithm can be depicted in the following program.
BinarySearch(A[0..N-1], value, low, high)
if (high value)
return BinarySearch(A, value, low, mid-1)
else if (A[mid] Similarities with Life:
A binary search algorithm searches for a particular aspect/characteristic, here it checks if the middle value of the high and low values is greater or lower than the value provided. Depending upon the relation of the middle value with the given value,it performs or returns a different result ,here sorting the value at top or last position accordingly. Life is like that ! Don't believe me? In any aspect of life, one has to overcome so many things in life inorder to go ahead in life. For that he has to rely on his thinking capabilities and ability to solve a problem quickly and effectively. The algorithm may not apply directly in the sense that he may not have to find out an intermediate between two choices and arrange it in a fashion or something like that. But i reassure you that almost everyone solves a problem with some backup plan in his mind in case that solution does not work out.
The basic way of solving a problem is to classify the problem into smaller identifiable tasks and overcome it one by one instead of overcoming the problem as a whole.It can be related to modular programming where programs are made up of small modules.The reality of a problem is that none likes complexities in life and want to have a simple one.Though some may find it to be challenging in life to meet complexities and accept it to be a part of life,their wish would have been the same - to simplify it as much as possible. Like the binary search algorithm,we humans divide the problems into smaller parts and try to achieve it part by part instead of dealing with it as a whole. Depending upon the complexity of the task,he classifies it as long term,short term or maybe difficult and easy tasks. Then after sorting the tasks he tries to achieve them one by one and altogether try to create the overall result expected out of it. He wishes to give the expected result depending on the complexity he handled during the procedure.
British also did the same when they ruled India -divide and rule policy. we humans do it in our day to day lives so often that we have lost insight of it. Jokes apart we humans also try to gain someones love using such algorithms or policies. Set one against another and gain from their their enmity. Who doesn't use it nowadays - politicians,crazy lovers,mathematicians,physicist etc. In fact searching of brides use this algorithm. Obtain background of the bride/groom and set an expected characteristics of the groom/bride,sort them out in order of preferences and then finally select the one most suitable. Or in shopping where we select things out of quality,price or some other things and compare it with the nominal ones.Upon sorting out in order,one buys the one which suits him the best in terms of money,quality or performance.
Everyone lives a life out of experiences and forgets the real nature of life. He counts more on his experiences rather than his senses and thoughts in life. Maybe thats why we fail to recognize these steps,methods and algorithms we use in life and unable to accept it even though one would tell them. Like Al Pacino in Scent of a woman who believed in his own ability to do his own work without help,we should try to develop these senses that has been long learnt yet forgotten and go ahead in life with these senses too. His beliefs,his thoughts,his wishes all stand out in his speech in the last instance. he could see the potential in the boy even though he was blind. He did not went for his experiences and thoughts for the boy but used his senses in him to determine what kinda boy he was and stood for him till the end and brought him glory and pride. Some lessons are taught by movies too,don't u think so?
Written with some help from Wikipedia
28 Oct 2007
Life is all about what you like most
Sometimes we buy things out of impulses and try to be happy with it.But sometimes this impulsive shopping can be a waste if you do not put a good use of it later in life.Its same for everyone i guess! When was the last time your head spinned when you saw a nice dress,electronic gadgets,or something of interest and long to buy it someday when you have time and money? Well everyone has some wishes in life to possess something that he wished long before. Maybe he had thought of it so many times to buy it without going into the details of the price,performance or quality. He just want to buy it to fulfill his long desired wish.Maybe a new product had come in its place much better yet when he is set to buy it,he will think twice to buy the later product because the former one had clicked his mind somewhere that made him come there to buy. You might be thinking i am talking about shopping impulsively and what it has to do with one's life! Well if you think again you will realize that its not the shopping that matters but the life he has had. Shopping or buying something to fulfill one's wishes is just one aspect of life doing what he believes to be the best for him,for his entertainment and recreation.
I believe that when one starts to work,he finds it hard to pull out a cheque unnecessarily and expects a corresponding ROI from that investment or expenditure.Maybe he has become more possessive about his money. But that is another aspect of life as he sees his hours,days and weeks of hard work in those salary. At the end,life is all about he believes it to be. He earns to support himself and his family and have a good time in the mean time.Everybody wants to have a dream job with figure salary and get the best out of his life. He instead of relishing the good time he have with the salary thinks of those hard work he put into to get that salary. In short he becomes frustrated in life thinking that he gets less and maybe he should have more relaxing job. Very few people understand their responsibility in life and argues with his work most of the time.Maybe he got into the wrong job profile or he doesn't enjoy his life at all.
Life has given us everything we need to survive and its the utmost responsibility of each one of us to take care of ourselves. Life is all about sharing and caring for your dear ones,its all that matters at the end of the day whether you believe it or not. Someone had truly quoted that "Religion is what a man does in solitude." Its not necessary that one be religious in life. Religion is all about ones beliefs and trust in life,without which one has no image of his own. Religion is not necessarily prevalent in a person but religiousness does. Its all about standing up for his beliefs and trusts in life and making upto it. Life can never be the same when you stand up for your dreams and beliefs in life rather than following someones.
A lazy Sunday;should i call it a perfect one?
Caught an eye and did not realize when i fall asleep despite the knockings on the door. I woke up and put the music to rest and surrendered myself to a sweet slumber. Dreamt of angels and beautiful girls around that kept me asleep till i realize its too late to call it a day. Washed my face and went to Cafe for some food less i become more weaker. Met some frens on the table and ordered mine.. Chicken fried rice. There was this movie of James Bond showing on Star world in Hindi..Die Another Day. from the distance i was watching i could not distinguish it was hindi or English though from my knowledge of Star world i knew it was in Hindi only. So grabbed my food and digged into it with the two spoons i had in hand and grubbed it up with water.
The mess people told me they stopped giving on credit,to which i did not pay much attention and came to my room. Downloaded some movies from the file sharing software DC++ with thousands of movies,songs and other resources shared across the LAN.
I finally sat down and lighted a cigarette much to the amusement of the glistening laptop before me. I opened my mail boxes and deleted SPAMS and junk mails and said phew!!
Though it was not much of a day to call it off,i decided to jot it down here. Sundays are made to be imperfect i thought,to unwind all those done in the week and put a rest to all those that i had been doing and start something new or maybe resume something i had left midway in the week!
Well whatever it may be -perfect or imperfect Sunday i realize that Sundays are always boring unless you freak out,go out somewhere and have fun. Lying in one place would not do much help. Though the whole week maybe spent outside working or having fun,this one day could really tell your feelings about ur life. A sunday left unattended nicely could affect your next day!
Thats what i thought and decided to make the most of it ,if i cant go out or have fun interacting with others! Well so far so good,and now i am about to watch movies till dinner time. So see you folks on monday or maybe in evening when i have something unusual to relate about this imperfect sunday.
26 Oct 2007
Moonlight fishing (Poem series)
My heart lingers on the moon to be in the same place
I hummed not to the music but to your sweet voice
The glittering waters reflecting the moments of ecstasy,
flowing among the rocks.
The mountain gazed at me pondering what i was doing
at the middle of the full moon night!
The trees whisper among themselves about me
But i went on..
I was angling on the flowing,glittering waters
Eventually all things merge into one and
a river flows through it.
Its water flowing over the rocks of time.
An unfinished poem,left midway...but somehow makes sense to me today
Foto Courtesy: Bruce Berrein
My life (Poem series)
Show me a lad,unseen ,unknown of;
Leave me in solitude,alone;
Steal my memories from those moments.
My life is that song-unheard to anyone
I am that lad,unknown of
I am that solitude that you know
Since the day we parted ways
to create new memories
Written on 31st October 2000 in train
My friend,are you? (Poem Series)
Never there was a day spent without you
Wasn't there as single secret between us..
With such jealousy the world looked at us
"Don't be dependent on each other", said he,
who knew the pain of departure.
Ac child we were and didn't hark at him.
One day,a time came to part from each other
Departed him with such a heavy heart,
couldn't drag myself away from him.
But sadly had to leave him alone.
And return to my own world before sunset.
But are you the one today;
which was my soul mate yesterday?
Written sometime back in 1997
Foto courtesy: Archies online
Manipur,my Hometown where are thou?
After about 6 months i got this chance to go home and i really did not want to go home.Instead i wanted to go somewhere else like Chochin,Goa,Delhi,manali etc for a vacation. My friends fail to understand my character and calls me sick. From my viewpoint, its boring at home and take almost 4 days to reach home. So if i have 15 days vacation half of the vacation will be spent in train and whats the use!! Now all my friends are getting married and busy with their own lives. Its boring without a work or friends around.Even the thought of it makes me more dluted in my thought for going home. Yet i am going this diwali to have fun as many of my school mates whom i havent met for years are coming. I guess i would be having funa t home and have a small reunion too.
But after confirming my thoughts, a sudden gush of excitement hold me back for many moments that seemed to last like a lifetime! I suddenly remembered those old tared roads and simple life in Manipur. Every single road seems to call me to seek solace in each others embrace! The tress overladen with flowers welcome me with a colorful carpet of love and harmony. The very thought of going home suddenly made me feel nausea and obsessed about memories of past. I cannot understand myself how i suddenly changed!! Maybe i have only one answer in support of that;"home sweet home". Patriotism would be a dimension oriented feeling from the heart though none cares for the same.
Life in Manipur is like lotus in a garden.No matter if the pond dries out,the lotus still survives.
Somehow ill manage to get to the bottom of it..maybe next class ill ask the teacher
Somehow ill manage to get to the bottom of it..maybe next class ill ask the teacher
23 Oct 2007
Prison time for cyber stock swindler
A young investor with more wiles than trading luck was sentenced to 13 months in prison Wednesday for using a Trojan horse program and someone else's online brokerage account to sell thousands of worthless stock options to an unwilling buyer.
According to court records, last July, the then-teenaged Dinh was the unhappy owner of $90,000 in "put" options that could have delivered a hefty payoff if Cisco Systems Inc. stock drooped below $15.00 a share, but instead were close to expiring worthless.
Rather than eat the loss, Dinh constructed an electronic shell game to offload the contracts on a innocent dupe. Dinh built a list of targets by posting innocuous queries as "Stanley Hirsch" to a public forum on the trading discussion site stockcharts.com, and noting the e-mail addresses of people who responded. The next day, using the alias "Tony T. Riechert," he spammed those addresses with an offer to participate in a beta test of a new stock charting tool.
The "stock charting tool" turned out to be a Trojan horse called "the Beast." An unsuspecting Westborough, Massachusetts investor -- unnamed in the complaints -- ran the program, and sometime thereafter accessed his online brokerage account with TD Waterhouse, while the Beast silently logged every keystroke. Dinh allegedly swept in later and downloaded the logs, obtaining the man's username and password.
A few days later, Dinh put his Cisco options up for sale at an inflated price through his own online broker, then used the purloined password to place a series of matching buy orders through the victim's account, "depleting almost all of the account's available cash," according to the SEC-- approximately $47,000.
With the account drained, Dinh remained stuck with some of the Cisco contracts, which expired worthless on July 19th. But the scheme shaved his losses by $37,000 -- the victim's $47,000, minus the broker's commission.
Dinh pleaded guilty in a federal court in Massachusetts to unauthorized access to a protected computer and securities fraud last February, and repaid the victim's lost $47,000. At his sentencing hearing Wednesday, prosecutors say they read aloud from an electronic diary purportedly found on Dinh's computer, including an entry dated a month before the crime.
"I am so proud of myself for my 'hacking business' -- I will never regret what I did," Dinh allegedly wrote. "I am the best of the best Trickster. I laugh often when mom says she worries -- what the [expletive] do you have to worry about. Even if I go to jail -- big deal -- I will learn something there. Hahaha."
Phone calls to Dinh's home and his attorney's office were not returned Thursday.
Prison time for cyber stock swindler
A young investor with more wiles than trading luck was sentenced to 13 months in prison Wednesday for using a Trojan horse program and someone else's online brokerage account to sell thousands of worthless stock options to an unwilling buyer.
According to court records, last July, the then-teenaged Dinh was the unhappy owner of $90,000 in "put" options that could have delivered a hefty payoff if Cisco Systems Inc. stock drooped below $15.00 a share, but instead were close to expiring worthless.
Rather than eat the loss, Dinh constructed an electronic shell game to offload the contracts on a innocent dupe. Dinh built a list of targets by posting innocuous queries as "Stanley Hirsch" to a public forum on the trading discussion site stockcharts.com, and noting the e-mail addresses of people who responded. The next day, using the alias "Tony T. Riechert," he spammed those addresses with an offer to participate in a beta test of a new stock charting tool.
The "stock charting tool" turned out to be a Trojan horse called "the Beast." An unsuspecting Westborough, Massachusetts investor -- unnamed in the complaints -- ran the program, and sometime thereafter accessed his online brokerage account with TD Waterhouse, while the Beast silently logged every keystroke. Dinh allegedly swept in later and downloaded the logs, obtaining the man's username and password.
A few days later, Dinh put his Cisco options up for sale at an inflated price through his own online broker, then used the purloined password to place a series of matching buy orders through the victim's account, "depleting almost all of the account's available cash," according to the SEC-- approximately $47,000.
With the account drained, Dinh remained stuck with some of the Cisco contracts, which expired worthless on July 19th. But the scheme shaved his losses by $37,000 -- the victim's $47,000, minus the broker's commission.
Dinh pleaded guilty in a federal court in Massachusetts to unauthorized access to a protected computer and securities fraud last February, and repaid the victim's lost $47,000. At his sentencing hearing Wednesday, prosecutors say they read aloud from an electronic diary purportedly found on Dinh's computer, including an entry dated a month before the crime.
"I am so proud of myself for my 'hacking business' -- I will never regret what I did," Dinh allegedly wrote. "I am the best of the best Trickster. I laugh often when mom says she worries -- what the [expletive] do you have to worry about. Even if I go to jail -- big deal -- I will learn something there. Hahaha."
Phone calls to Dinh's home and his attorney's office were not returned Thursday.
MBA in IT or IT in MBA??
1) Cyber law
2) Information Security and Audits
3) Advanced C++
4) Web Application Development Technology (with HTML,Java and xml coding rolled into one!)
5) Entrepreneurship (ah at last one management subject!)
6) Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
7) Software Quality Management
8) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (SD module,we have done FI and MM modules earlier).
So you tell me what would it be "MBA in IT " or "IT in MBA"??
To help you decide ,lemme tell you about todays Java lab. We were supposed to use JDK and write a java program to link with an xml file,interfaced by HTML file. People went haywire at the first instance. Some even forgot the command to run a Java compiler!! But on the contrary, if you look from a technician's perspective its wonderful to learn all these technologies.
Lets take a closer look into the subject.
What are servelets?
Servlets are modules of Java code that run in a server application (hence the name "Servlets", similar to "Applets" on the client side) to answer client requests. Servlets are not tied to a specific client-server protocol but they are most commonly used with HTTP and the word "Servlet" is often used in the meaning of "HTTP Servlet".
Servlets make use of the Java standard extension classes in the packages javax.servlet
(the basic Servlet framework) and javax.servlet.http
(extensions of the Servlet framework for Servlets that answer HTTP requests). Since Servlets are written in the highly portable Java language and follow a standard framework, they provide a means to create sophisticated server extensions in a server and operating system independent way.
Typical uses for HTTP Servlets include:
Processing and/or storing data submitted by an HTML form.
Providing dynamic content, e.g. returning the results of a database query to the client.
Managing state information on top of the stateless HTTP, e.g. for an online shopping cart system which manages shopping carts for many concurrent customers and maps every request to the right customer.
Servlets Vs CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
CGI is a language-independent interface that allows a server to start an external process which gets information about a request through environment variables, the command line and its standard input stream and writes response data to its standard output stream. Each request is answered in a separate process by a separate instance of the CGI program, or CGI script.
Servlets have several advantages over CGI:
A Servlet does not run in a separate process. (In CGI,a separate process or instance is created for each request..isn't that cumbersome?)
A Servlet stays in memory between requests. A CGI program needs to be loaded and started for each CGI request.
There is only a single instance which answers all requests concurrently. This saves memory and allows a Servlet to easily manage persistent data.
Servlet life cycle
A servlet has a life cycle consisting of:
1)Init method (when servlet starts)
2) Service method (use of servlet)
3) Destroy method (when servlet ends)
How to create servlet?
1) Install JDK and set path
2) Install Tomcat Web server and set class path of servlet-api.jar
3) Create Java (*.java) file
4) Create HTML file to call servlet
5) Deployment descriptor (web.xml)
6) Start Tomcat and run servlet in the browser
We wrote the java program but it showed some errors,made xml file and HTML file too but could not run though we could run the Tomcat server. It was an interesting class mixed with confusion and excitement. I have installed Tomcat server and JDK too,so i'll try running it on my laptop later on. Hope you had fun exploring with me?
For those who think the water has gone above the head,God save them! For here we deal with technical more than management subjects. Lets see what C++ has to offer tomorrow!!
References: http://www.novocode.com
Class notes
Different lives
Dreamt of traveling the world around..
Bathed in rivers and pools...
Wished to see the Niagra falls ...
Wanted to earn in dollars...
Fought for simple reasons..
Did not understand the way lives are...
Got frustrated and took up arms...
Got into politics and earn money...
The mind is all what you think it is...
Life is what you think it should be....
None decide what you want for you...
None stands up for you in life....
Stand on your own and fight the world...
For life is all about fighting for your rights and what you deserve for...
Rest is all transitory...
A guy born in a big city...
Brought up in a nursery of controlled environment..
Learns to turn nickle into a dime....
Got high speed internet for games and downloads...
Got a PC for play with...
A bike to roam around with...
A life to lead and earn...
A family supports him through all his wants...
Dreams of the world at his feet...
The love is all what he think it is..
Life is as per his wish...
Style is all he cares about..
Career is what he is enthusiastic of.....
Cars are what he is fascinated about..
Parties are what he mises often...
Money is what he is concerned about...
22 Oct 2007
Fight abuses in social sites
The distinctive icon is already on some web services children use |
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre (CEOP) wants the sites to install its "report abuse" button that connects people to police.
CEOP research shows some sex offenders are starting to use social network sites, such as MySpace, Bebo and Facebook, to seek out victims.
Jim Gamble, head of CEOP, says: "The more children go on social networks, the more offenders follow them."
Direct connection
The button lets people report instances when they suffer or witness inappropriate sexual contact. In August 2006 Microsoft agreed to put the distinctive red icon on the of its instant messenger service - MSN Messenger.
CEOP research shows that, while chatrooms and instant messaging services are the main places sex offenders go in search of victims, social networks are attracting them too.
Latest figures show that around one million children under 16 use Bebo, while 600,000 minors are on MySpace.
The networking sites say they make it simple for users to report abuse, though those reports usually go to the site administrators rather than the authorities.
In the US social network sites are under pressure from politicians who want them to do more to protect their most vulnerable users.
American law enforcement agencies are also seeking to make the social network sites introduce checks to prevent under-age users from coming to the sites and to keep sexual predators at bay.
All the networks make new users reveal their age when they sign up, but there is disagreement about whether any new system of age verification would be effective.
MySpace says anyone under 14 is banned from using its service.
A spokesman said: "MySpace has developed search methodology and algorithms to seek out underage users, relying on several thousand terms commonly used by under-age users to identify them and delete their profiles."
MySpace and other networks also scan profiles for clues that users are older than they claim to be.
At Greenford High School in West London students have made a film about social networking and its dangers, with scenarios illustrating how easily young people can be tricked.
It seems to have worked. All the pupils we spoke to said they would never accept anyone as a "friend" on Facebook or Bebo unless they knew them.
Courtesy: BBC
Fight abuses in social sites
The distinctive icon is already on some web services children use |
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre (CEOP) wants the sites to install its "report abuse" button that connects people to police.
CEOP research shows some sex offenders are starting to use social network sites, such as MySpace, Bebo and Facebook, to seek out victims.
Jim Gamble, head of CEOP, says: "The more children go on social networks, the more offenders follow them."
Direct connection
The button lets people report instances when they suffer or witness inappropriate sexual contact. In August 2006 Microsoft agreed to put the distinctive red icon on the of its instant messenger service - MSN Messenger.
CEOP research shows that, while chatrooms and instant messaging services are the main places sex offenders go in search of victims, social networks are attracting them too.
Latest figures show that around one million children under 16 use Bebo, while 600,000 minors are on MySpace.
The networking sites say they make it simple for users to report abuse, though those reports usually go to the site administrators rather than the authorities.
In the US social network sites are under pressure from politicians who want them to do more to protect their most vulnerable users.
American law enforcement agencies are also seeking to make the social network sites introduce checks to prevent under-age users from coming to the sites and to keep sexual predators at bay.
All the networks make new users reveal their age when they sign up, but there is disagreement about whether any new system of age verification would be effective.
MySpace says anyone under 14 is banned from using its service.
A spokesman said: "MySpace has developed search methodology and algorithms to seek out underage users, relying on several thousand terms commonly used by under-age users to identify them and delete their profiles."
MySpace and other networks also scan profiles for clues that users are older than they claim to be.
At Greenford High School in West London students have made a film about social networking and its dangers, with scenarios illustrating how easily young people can be tricked.
It seems to have worked. All the pupils we spoke to said they would never accept anyone as a "friend" on Facebook or Bebo unless they knew them.
Courtesy: BBC
Customer orientation; the Indian way
I bought my Digicam Sony DSCH3 from Sony World in Aundh. The first time i went inside and looked at the digicam made me feel dizzy with a lot of varieties to choose from.I, with the help of my fren choosed this one, apart from the little research i did on the net before going there. The attendant there was a young Marathi girl of early 20's and did not speak English well. Anyway thats not my concern. The problem occurred when i could not swipe my card on their machine and had to go to ATM for cash payment and yeah i had to come the next day as i could not en cash more then 15K at a time from ATM. The wonderful news is that even after payment of some 15K, was asked to come next day to open the package and see it and not at that moment.
The next day we went with the remaining amount and gave the cash payment and opened the box. One of the attendant gave us a brief demo of the camera and he did not ave any idea of the features in details like use of ISO and all. I was pissed at that service i have been receiving since the day earlier. Even the lady attendant said "shit" when we did not make the full payment.It seems that she is more concerned how much she will get as a commission rather than looking for the needs of the customers. They did not even give me a camera cover to put it in so i had to look for one and the worst part is that they did not have the cover when they have the camera.
Simply wow! Instead the guy was showing a cover for handy cam which was much bigger and said u can use it and has more space and all that crap..to sell.
Customer wants variety !!
Today we went to look for the cover again and they did not replenish their stock since i visited the store weeks ago. I wonder how they make business!!! Well the lady attendant did recognize me though and asked what i was looking for,and upon knowing what we are upto just left the place neglecting us...to entertain other customers. The worst part is that i wanted a black camera and they had just a silver colour one. They did not find it amusing enough to tell me at least that there are other Sony stores in Pune and direct me there after knowing my wants. Instead they just tried to sell me what they have. After a few days i saw a black colour digicam of the same series and i said "shit" to myself. At least if the attendant had told me that there can be other colours i could have searched and bought from another Sony store.They did not care to tell me about the black version and overall i did not find them interested in entertaining the customers. The worst customer experience i ever had.
Give customer what he wants !!
Its not just about Sony world. "Dass" the electronic shop adjacent to it also did the same. When we asked for a camera cover and we let him know that we have DSC H3 they said they don't have it and stopped it there. We asked him to show us what they have got an all they did was denying us saying they don't have one. My fren from Marketing specialization got pissed and asked him "is it the way to treat a customer? Are you doing us a favor?" and asked for the manager. I asked him to leave it and we came along. Maybe Indians do not have this customer orientation at all..I have so many bad experiences in almost all shops. Be it small shops or big ones. though some are few exceptions. Indians are yet to learn that customer is the king and they need to fulfill the customers demands and they are there for that.
Customer preference!!
I have this typical north eastern look which can deceive one who doesn't know to be some Japanese,Korean or from some other Asian countries. It isn't just my problem but the whole North eastern people.And most of the times when i go to buy something in some shop, some even deny my question...maybe i am doing time pass or maybe they did not think i would be able to pay up or something like that. The feeling of getting neglected is hard on everyone's part i know.I am kinda cool guy who doesn't want to pick up any fight or argument though the other person may be wrong. Yet there are times when i get pissed off.
Once there was this driver in my institute who was making comments like "Nepal is a good place" on seeing me while i was going to class with tea in my hand in the early morning. I got pissed in the early morning and i said in a low voice.." yeah bhaiya.this very thought of yours will pull you down and you will never advance in life. you will always be a driver your whole life. meet me after 3 years and i'll employ you".
Do i hear someone say, "this is India sir" ?
Customer orientation; the Indian way
I bought my Digicam Sony DSCH3 from Sony World in Aundh. The first time i went inside and looked at the digicam made me feel dizzy with a lot of varieties to choose from.I, with the help of my fren choosed this one, apart from the little research i did on the net before going there. The attendant there was a young Marathi girl of early 20's and did not speak English well. Anyway thats not my concern. The problem occurred when i could not swipe my card on their machine and had to go to ATM for cash payment and yeah i had to come the next day as i could not en cash more then 15K at a time from ATM. The wonderful news is that even after payment of some 15K, was asked to come next day to open the package and see it and not at that moment.

The next day we went with the remaining amount and gave the cash payment and opened the box. One of the attendant gave us a brief demo of the camera and he did not ave any idea of the features in details like use of ISO and all. I was pissed at that service i have been receiving since the day earlier. Even the lady attendant said "shit" when we did not make the full payment.It seems that she is more concerned how much she will get as a commission rather than looking for the needs of the customers. They did not even give me a camera cover to put it in so i had to look for one and the worst part is that they did not have the cover when they have the camera.
Simply wow! Instead the guy was showing a cover for handy cam which was much bigger and said u can use it and has more space and all that crap..to sell.
Customer wants variety !!
Today we went to look for the cover again and they did not replenish their stock since i visited the store weeks ago. I wonder how they make business!!! Well the lady attendant did recognize me though and asked what i was looking for,and upon knowing what we are upto just left the place neglecting us...to entertain other customers. The worst part is that i wanted a black camera and they had just a silver colour one. They did not find it amusing enough to tell me at least that there are other Sony stores in Pune and direct me there after knowing my wants. Instead they just tried to sell me what they have. After a few days i saw a black colour digicam of the same series and i said "shit" to myself. At least if the attendant had told me that there can be other colours i could have searched and bought from another Sony store.They did not care to tell me about the black version and overall i did not find them interested in entertaining the customers. The worst customer experience i ever had.
Give customer what he wants !!
Its not just about Sony world. "Dass" the electronic shop adjacent to it also did the same. When we asked for a camera cover and we let him know that we have DSC H3 they said they don't have it and stopped it there. We asked him to show us what they have got an all they did was denying us saying they don't have one. My fren from Marketing specialization got pissed and asked him "is it the way to treat a customer? Are you doing us a favor?" and asked for the manager. I asked him to leave it and we came along. Maybe Indians do not have this customer orientation at all..I have so many bad experiences in almost all shops. Be it small shops or big ones. though some are few exceptions. Indians are yet to learn that customer is the king and they need to fulfill the customers demands and they are there for that.
Customer preference!!
I have this typical north eastern look which can deceive one who doesn't know to be some Japanese,Korean or from some other Asian countries. It isn't just my problem but the whole North eastern people.And most of the times when i go to buy something in some shop, some even deny my question...maybe i am doing time pass or maybe they did not think i would be able to pay up or something like that. The feeling of getting neglected is hard on everyone's part i know.I am kinda cool guy who doesn't want to pick up any fight or argument though the other person may be wrong. Yet there are times when i get pissed off.
Once there was this driver in my institute who was making comments like "Nepal is a good place" on seeing me while i was going to class with tea in my hand in the early morning. I got pissed in the early morning and i said in a low voice.." yeah bhaiya.this very thought of yours will pull you down and you will never advance in life. you will always be a driver your whole life. meet me after 3 years and i'll employ you".
Do i hear someone say, "this is India sir" ?
Pizza Hut in Aundh
The main thing is that if you value for good food then it definitely is the right place to invest. Once or twice me and my fren skipped the idea of going Pizza Hut and went for dinner instead with the same amount of money to be spent in a nearby restaurant. Well thats about wise investment :)
One of the things i like is the sign board when we enter it saying "Only pizzas can smoke" with a steaming pizza in the picture. The lighting system is what makes me feel romantic about the place and sometimes maybe moody. Whatever it maybe,i usually come here for the taste and happy memories altogether. I prefer the taste and like the customer service,though sometimes i understand that sometimes due to overcrowded environment the service can be slow. But i like it as they generally give u a choice by telling you how much time they may take to make it.
Another Monday
Roj khao ande..
In everyone's life Sunday plays an important role..
A day to rest from office work...
a day to meet old friends..
a day to have party...
a day to make memories...
a break from the hectic week..
a day with the family...
a day to show care for your dear ones...
a day to wash the car...
a day to see your kids grow...
a day to praise your wife's beauty...
a day to celebrate..
a day to neutralize the hangover..
a day to go to church..
a day to wake up late...
a day to spend money...
a day to wash all the clothes...
a day to read and write blogs...
No matter what Sunday is a Sunday..
Yet we enjoy this only day idling most of the time..
forgetting its a Sunday..
that's the best part of being a Sunday..
that you can forget its a day...
Today is Monday ..
and the same old routine..
wake up early..
make bread butter in breakfast...
eat lunch from the nearby restaurant....
study heaps of files...
realize its not Sunday..
Welcome to a man's world..
where one wishes to work for money..
unlike animals who hunt for food..
and for whom there's no Sunday or Monday...
everyday is a hunting day...
Lets celebrate for being humans and making.....
Sundays and Mondays..
21 Oct 2007
One is enough
One Bengali = poet.
Two Bengalis = a film society.
Three Bengalis = political party.
Four Bengalis = two political parties.
More than four Bengali's = Countrywide agitation to bring Ganguli into Team .
One Bihari = Laloo Prasad Yadav.
Two Biharis = booth-capturing squad.
Three Biharis = caste killing.
Four Biharis = entire literate population of Patna .
One Punjabi =100 kg hulk named Pinky.
Two Punjabis = Pinky with his bigger brother Twinky.
Three Punjabis = assault on the McAloo Tikkis at the local McDonalds.
Four Punjabis = combined IQ equal to one.
UP Bhaiyya
One UP bhaiyya = a milkman.
Two UP bhaiyyas = halwai shop.
Three UP bhaiyyas = a fist-fight in the UP assembly.
Four UP bhaiyyas = mosque-destruction squad.
One Gujju = share-broker in a Bombay train.
Two Gujjus = rummy game in a Bombay train.
Three Gujjus = Bombay 's noisiest restaurant.
Four Gujjus = stock market scam.
One Andhraite = chili farmer.
Two Andhraites = software company in New Jersey .
Three Andhraites = Naxalite outfit.
Four Andhraites = song-and-dance number in a Telugu movie.
One Kashmiri = carpet salesman.
Two Kashmiris = carpet factory.
Three Kashmiris = terrorist outfit.
Four Kashmiris = shoot-at-sight order.
One Tam-Brahm = priest at the Vardarajaperumal temple.
Two Tam-Brahms = Maths tuition class.
Three Tam-Brahms = Queue outside the U.S consulate at 4 a.m.
Four Tam-Brahms = Thyagaraja music festival in Santa Clara
One Mumbaikar = footpath vada-pav stall.
Two Mumbaikars= film studio.
Three Mumbaikars = slum.
Four Mumbaikars = The number of people standing on your foot in the train at rush hour.
One Sindhi = currency racket.
Two Sindhis = papad factory.
Three Sindhis = duplicate goods shop in Ulhasnagar .
Four Sindhis = Hong Kong Retail Traders Association.
One Marwari = The neighbourhood foodstuffs adulterator.
Two Marwaris = 50% of Calcutta
Three Marwaris = Finish off all Gujaratis & Sindhis.
Four Marwaris = Threaten the Jews as a community.
One Haryanavi = tube light
Two Haryanavi = agriculture
Three Haryannavi= Lathi squad
Four Haryanavi = actually just one was enough
One Mallu = coconut stall.
Two Mallus = a boat race.
Three Mallus = Gulf job racket.
Four Mallus = oil slick.
One Manipuri = twice shy
Two Manipuri = rock concert
Three Manipuri = a big fight
Four Manipuri = tourist in thier own country
Disclaimer: I don't personally have any such insights. Please don't hold me responsible for any critical content,if any. Published and edited with permission from Ngakpa. (http://khichuri.blogspot.com/)