23 Oct 2007

Different lives

Born and brought up in a small town..
Dreamt of traveling the world around..
Bathed in rivers and pools...
Wished to see the Niagra falls ...
Wanted to earn in dollars...
Fought for simple reasons..
Did not understand the way lives are...
Got frustrated and took up arms...
Got into politics and earn money...

The mind is all what you think it is...
Life is what you think it should be....
None decide what you want for you...
None stands up for you in life....
Stand on your own and fight the world...
For life is all about fighting for your rights and what you deserve for...
Rest is all transitory...

A guy born in a big city...
Brought up in a nursery of controlled environment..
Learns to turn nickle into a dime....
Got high speed internet for games and downloads...
Got a PC for play with...
A bike to roam around with...
A life to lead and earn...
A family supports him through all his wants...
Dreams of the world at his feet...

The love is all what he think it is..
Life is as per his wish...
Style is all he cares about..
Career is what he is enthusiastic of.....
Cars are what he is fascinated about..
Parties are what he mises often...
Money is what he is concerned about...


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